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鍌呮尟閭 湪瀛 牎鍏遍潚鍥 垱鏂拌瘯鐐? 鍏充簬璁ょ湡瀛 範璐 交绉 疁鏅哄悓蹇? 鍏遍潚鍥 腑澶 叧浜庡叏鍥 鐪熷 涔? 銆愮ぞ浼氬疄璺点 戠汉鏌撳伐绋嬪 闄 紑灞曢害鐢板 浠? 銆愮ぞ浼氬疄璺点 戞睙鑻忓伐闄 ぇ瀛 敓娣卞叆寮 鍙戝尯. 銆愮ぞ浼氬疄璺点 戞湇瑁呫 佸晢锛堢ぞ绠 級瀛 櫌寮 灞? 鎴戞牎瑗块儴璁 垝銆佽嫃鍖楄 鍒掑織鎰胯 呭嚭寰? 銆愮ぞ浼氬疄璺点 戣壓鏈 佸晢锛堢ぞ绠 級瀛 櫌娣卞叆. 姹熻嫃宸ラ櫌闈掗 鍏堥攱鐝 鍛樻帹鑽愯 锛堢 鍥涙湡锛? 鍏充簬鍦ㄥ叏鐪侀潚灏戝勾涓 繘涓 姝ユ繁鍏ュ紑灞曗 滄垜鐨勪腑. 鍟嗭紙绀剧 锛夊 闄 荡灞变笢闈掑矝寮 灞曞ぇ瀛 敓鏆戞湡绀句細瀹炶返. 鍏充簬鍚屾剰鑸 宸ョ 瀛 櫌绗 竴娆 洟鍛樺ぇ浼氶 変妇缁撴灉. 鍏充簬鍦ㄢ 滀簲鈥 洓鈥濆墠澶曞彂灞曚竴鎵规柊鍥 憳鐨勯 氱煡 .
Recipes Adapted for Your Toaster Oven. Posted in I Need to Impress Someone. When I opened the fridge the other morning, I discovered a horrible mistake. Instead of putting my frozen shrimp in the freezer the night before, it was completely defrosted in the fridge! Posted in Easy Budget. Vanilla Caramel Sauce Without a Candy Thermometer.